



visiting the website (hereinafter referred to as "Users") and/or making purchases (hereinafter referred to as "Customers") in the ZINA online store (hereinafter referred to as: "Online Store")


in particular, information about the purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data, the period of their storage, the recipients to whom they may be transferred, as well as the rights arising from the regulations on the protection of personal data



The administrator of your personal data processed for purposes related to the operation of the website, including the Online Store and the provision of services offered therein, is a company under the name: PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWE "OPTIM" JACEK KARPIŃSKI, LESZEK CIEŚLAK SPÓŁKA JAWNA with its registered office at ul. Kaliska 90 A, 62-700 Turek, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 9th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000092812, REGON 310131251, NIP 6680001182, hereinafter referred to as "Administrator of personal data" which is also the "Seller" and the owner of the "ZINA" brand.

Each User/Customer may contact the Personal Data Administrator:

1) by writing to the address of the Personal Data Administrator's registered office,

2) by sending an e-mail to the e-mail addresses provided below:

a) in matters relating to the processing of personal data:

b) in matters relating to the Online Store:

3) by calling the Customer Service Office at (+48) 63 279 98 20 (fee according to operator's rates)

This Privacy and Cookie Policy contains applicable rules for the collection and use of data about natural persons, i.e. Users, as part of their activity on the website and about Customers when they place orders for personal data offered by the Administrator. via the Online Store Products and services.

The primary goal of the Personal Data Administrator is to ensure privacy protection for Users/Customers at a level at least corresponding to the standards specified in applicable legal provisions, in particular the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 , No. 144, item 1204, as amended), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - hereinafter referred to as: GDPR (OJ EU L 119, p. 1) and in the Act of July 16, 2004, Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 171, item 1800, as amended).

"Personal data" means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, the economic, cultural or social identity of the individual. Personal data does not constitute purely statistical/aggregated information that cannot be linked to the data subject, for example the number of users of a given website.

The personal data administrator ensures that your personal data collected by him/her is:

a) processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner for the data subject;

b) collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;

c) adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;

d) correct and updated as necessary;

e) kept in a form which permits identification of the data subject for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed;

f) processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

If the User/Customer consents to the Seller using the above-mentioned technologies such as cookies on the website, other entities may also be administrators of data obtained on the basis of Users'/Customers' activity on the website During the first visit to the website, information for the User/Customer about the use of cookies "Cookie settings" is displayed. The User/Customer can also change cookie settings from his browser or block them completely and delete cookies. Detailed explanations on changing cookie settings can be found in the help menu of the web browser used and are described in detail in this document - part VII. COOKIES OR OTHER SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES.

The website may contain links enabling its Users/Customers to directly access other websites. The Seller has no influence on the privacy policy and use of cookies conducted by their administrators. The Seller recommends that before using the resources offered by other websites, each User/Customer reads the document regarding the privacy policy and the use of cookies, if they have been made available, and if they are not available, contact the administrator of the given website to obtain information on this. topic. Details are described in this document - part VII. COOKIES OR OTHER SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES.

Using the website, including the Online Store, and concluding contracts for the provision of electronic services via it, which involves the need to provide personal data, is completely voluntary. The data subject decides independently whether he wants to start using the above-mentioned. website, including the Online Store, and using services provided electronically by the Seller, in accordance with the Regulations of the Online Store and this Privacy Policy.

When processing personal data, the Personal Data Administrator uses organizational and technical measures in accordance with applicable law, including encryption of the connection using an SSL certificate.


Your personal data as a natural person to whom the data relates are processed by the Personal Data Controller when at least one of the following conditions is met:

1) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take action at the request of the data subject before concluding the contract (legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR), in particular , in the following situations:

a) concluding and implementing a contract for the provision of services (creating an Account in the Online Store) or taking action at the request of the User or future Customer before concluding it (data is processed for the purpose of maintaining the Account so that the Customer can enjoy the benefits it offers, e.g. placing orders without having to fill out forms each time, accessing purchase history, managing your consents and enabling the Customer to use other services available on the website);

b) conclusion and implementation of the Sales Agreement, or taking action at the request of a future Customer before its conclusion (personal data is needed to complete the Customer's order placed via the Online Store and to perform the concluded contract, in particular to confirm its submission and to reserve or send the purchased Products to the Customer , as well as if necessary to contact the Customer regarding a given Order);

c) accepting and considering complaints submitted by customers;

d) settling the performance of the contract concluded between the parties, including making payments, to the extent necessary to perform the contract;

2) processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation imposed on the Personal Data Administrator (legal basis: Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR), in particular in the following situations:

a) fulfillment of legal obligations arising from legal provisions, e.g. issuing and storing invoices for the period specified by law;

b) fulfillment of other obligations in the field of accounting and tax regulations, in order to fulfill obligations arising from legal provisions;

3) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator of personal data, except for situations where these interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring protection of personal data (legal basis: Art. .6(1)(f) GDPR), in particular, in the following situations:

a) determining, defending and pursuing claims by the Administrator of personal data, consisting in asserting their property or non-property rights or protection against claims, also of third parties, in the case of using the website, including the Online Store, in accordance with with applicable regulations, in particular the Act of April 23, 1964, Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93, as amended)

b) conducting correspondence with Users/Customers, also via contact forms (including responding to inquiries or notifications from Users/Customers)

c) direct marketing, including, among others: on displaying personalized ads

(more on this in the "Cookies" section) - when the User/Customer enters the website, with browser settings allowing marketing activities.

d) analysis of how the User/Customer uses and navigates the website, including the Online Store, in order to adapt the website, including the Online Store, to the needs and behavior of Users/Customers (more on this in the "Cookies" section) - when The User/Customer will enter the website, with browser settings allowing analytical activities to be carried out

4) the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes (based on Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, in particular in the following situations:

a) The Administrator may also process personal data for other purposes if the User/Customer voluntarily granted separate consent to such processing, e.g. consent to marketing activities. If you voluntarily consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes, the basis for data processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR. However, if the User/Customer agrees to receive commercial information, including marketing and advertising messages, also to the e-mail address provided by him, the legal basis will also be Art. 10 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services, and in the case of providing a telephone number, the basis will be Art. 172 of the Act of 16/07/2004 - Telecommunications Law. To the extent that data is processed on the basis of separate consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of data processing carried out before its withdrawal;

b) voluntarily expressed consents - e.g. people entering competitions;

c) presenting, creating, granting and implementing advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts) dedicated to a given User/Customer, which are based solely on automated processing, including profiling, adapted to the User's preferences as much as possible, which may significantly affect on the consumer decisions of the User/Customer, for his/her voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a), Art. 22 section 2 letter c) GDPR. However, this only applies to adults.

The Administrator informs Users that he entrusts the processing of personal data to the following entities: Edrone Sp. z o. o., ul. Lekarska 1, 31-203 Kraków, NIP: 676-248-20-64, KRS: 0000537197 - in order to use the mailing system for sending the newsletter,

Edrone Sp. z o. o., ul. Lekarska 1, 31-203 Kraków, NIP: 676-248-20-64, KRS: 0000537197: - for marketing purposes only and exclusively for the needs of e-mail, text message and social media campaigns launched or indicated by the Administrator using the edrone system,


Each natural person to whom the data relates, in accordance with the GDPR, has the right:

1) access to data - i.e. obtaining confirmation from the Personal Data Administrator whether her personal data is being processed. If data about a person is processed, he or she is entitled to access them and obtain the following information: about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data, recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data have been or will be disclosed, about the period of data storage or about the criteria for determining them, on the right to request rectification, deletion or limitation of the processing of personal data of the data subject, and to object to such processing (Article 15(1) of the GDPR);

2) to receive a copy of the data - that is, to obtain a copy of the data subject to processing, the first copy being free of charge, and for subsequent copies, the Personal Data Administrator may impose a reasonable fee resulting from administrative costs (Article 15(3) of the GDPR);

3) to rectify - i.e. request the rectification of incorrect personal data or the completion of incomplete data (Article 16 of the GDPR);

4) to delete data - i.e. request the deletion of personal data if the Personal Data Administrator no longer has a legal basis for their processing or the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing (Article 17 of the GDPR);

5) to limit processing - i.e. request to limit the processing of personal data (Article 18 of the GDPR), when:

a) the data subject questions the accuracy of the personal data - for a period enabling the Personal Data Controller to check the accuracy of the data,

b) the processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to their deletion and requests restriction of their use,

c) The personal data administrator no longer needs these data, but they are needed by the data subject to establish, pursue or defend claims,

d) the data subject has objected to the processing - until it is determined whether the legally justified grounds on the part of the Personal Data Administrator override the grounds for the data subject's objection;

6) to transfer data - that is, to receive personal data concerning him or her that he or she has provided to the Administrator in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, and to request that these data be sent to another administrator if the data is processed on the basis of the data subject's consent , or a contract concluded with it, and if the data are processed in an automated manner (Article 20 of the GDPR);

7) to object - that is, to object to the processing of her personal data for the legally justified purposes of the Personal Data Administrator, for reasons related to her particular situation, including profiling. Then, the Personal Data Administrator assesses the existence of valid legitimate grounds for processing, overriding the interests, rights and freedoms of data subjects, or grounds for establishing, pursuing or defending claims. If, according to the assessment, the interests of the data subject are more important than the interests of the Personal Data Administrator, the Administrator will be obliged to stop processing data for these purposes (Article 21(1) of the GDPR). If personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her for the purposes of such marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing. . If the data subject objects to processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data may no longer be processed for such purposes.

8) the right to withdraw consent - to the extent that the Personal Data Administrator processes personal data on the basis of the data subject's consent - the person has the right to withdraw it at any time; Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out by the Personal Data Administrator on the basis of consent granted before its withdrawal.

In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, the data subject should contact the "Personal Data Controller" in any way indicated below:

a) by sending an e-mail to:

b) by writing to the address of the Personal Data Controller's registered office provided above,

and inform him which right he wants to exercise and to what extent.

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority dealing with the protection of personal data - legal basis: Art. 13. paragraph 2. letter d) GDPR if it considers that the processing of its personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR. In Poland, such an authority is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.


The personal data administrator may process in particular the following data and information about the natural person to whom the data relates:

a) personal data indicated in the form when registering an Account in the Online Store or placing orders in the Online Store (in particular: name and surname; e-mail address; contact telephone number; address [street, house number, apartment number, postal code, city, country], address of residence/business/registered office [if different from the delivery address], bank account number, and in the case of Customers who are not consumers, additionally company name and tax identification number [NIP]) and other data collected while using the Online Store, e.g. . password set by the User/Customer when registering the Account;

b) personal data provided for the purpose of using the newsletter, data provided when using the contact form or provided when submitting a complaint;

c) personal data provided by the data subject, e.g. as part of contacts via e-mail, in particular the following personal data: name, surname; if necessary, (company) address details (street, house number, postal code, city); e-mail adress; content of the message sent; position and company, as well as other company data, such as, for example, the name and address of the company; these data are processed solely for the purpose of developing and implementing a request for quotation or other inquiry addressed to the Personal Data Administrator. This type of personal data is processed by the Personal Data Administrator pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 b) GDPR or Art. 6 section 1 f) GDPR in order to process a submitted inquiry, depending on whether they are related to the contract concluded by the parties or not. The information provided is stored for as long as necessary to process the case in question.

d) personal data provided in order to participate in competitions;

e) other data and information obtained based on the User/Customer's activity on the website, including those obtained via the Online Store, using cookies and similar technologies, in particular described in the [FILES] section COOKIES OR OTHER SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES].

f) usage data is collected automatically when visiting the website, if the User does not log in, register or otherwise provide information about himself, the website collects only the data that are automatically sent by the User's browser to make the visit to possible. Usage data: i.e. (IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the computer from which the website is accessed; Internet address of the website from which the website was accessed, (so-called origin URL); name service provider through which access to the website is provided, name of files or information opened; date, time and time of their opening; amount of data transferred; operating system and information about the web browser of the computer accessing the website website, the http status code (e.g. "query successful" or "requested data not found")) are logged in the server log files. IP addresses and log file information are stored by the Personal Data Controller for security reasons (e.g. to identify unauthorized access) for a limited period of time. The data is processed by the Personal Data Administrator on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 section 1 f) GDPR.

If the User/Customer has placed an order for a service provided electronically, the subject of which is the free delivery of newsletters, or has otherwise agreed to receive them, the obtained e-mail address and/or name is added to the e-mail list. -mailing and is used to send him a newsletter.

The collected data may also be used to establish the User/Customer profile and allow for adapting the content of the website and newsletters to his needs. Information collected automatically is used to manage the website, identify possible security threats, study the traffic of Users/Customers within the website, and for statistical purposes, including the use of tools collecting information, e.g. about the region, connection, IP number, date and time of connection, source and number of connections, number of subpages opened or to personalize the content of subpages. This information is not used to determine the identity of the User/Customer. The scope of information collected automatically depends on the User's/Customer's web browser settings. You should check your browser settings to learn what information your browser makes available automatically or to change these settings.

Pursuant to applicable legal provisions, the Personal Data Administrator may be obliged by authorized state authorities to disclose data, including the IP address of the User/Customer.

Personal data required to use individual functionalities of the website, including the Online Store, are each time marked and distinguished from data the provision of which is at the discretion of the User/Customer.


The personal data administrator discloses your personal data to third parties in cases where it has an appropriate legal basis for doing so, in particular: 1) when such an obligation results from the provisions of applicable law; 2) other administrators, e.g. postal operators, courier companies delivering goods to you; 3) persons who, with the authorization of the Personal Data Administrator or the processing entity, may process your personal data; 4) banks, in the scope of payment processing.

In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to entities processing on behalf of and on behalf of the Personal Data Administrator on the basis of a concluded personal data processing agreement, in order to provide services specified in the agreement only to the extent and purpose specified in the personal data processing agreement.

The catalog of data recipients also results from the consent given by you as a User/Customer, or from legal provisions, and is clarified as a result of actions taken by you on the website, including the Online Store or the application available therein. Below is an example list of data recipients for activities undertaken on the website, including the Online Store:

a) each action of the User/Customer in connection with the Online Store - data recipients: provider of hosting services or ICT services; service providers providing technical/IT support; entities cooperating on the basis of civil law contracts, supporting the current activities of the Personal Data Administrator;

b) entering the website by the User/Customer with browser settings allowing marketing activities - data recipients: entities providing marketing services and marketing campaigns;

c) entering the website by the User/Customer with browser settings allowing analytical activities - data recipients: an entity facilitating the optimization of the website, including the Online Store and an entity providing statistics for the Online Store

d) placing an order in the Online Store - data recipients: entity ensuring the delivery of goods; entity handling electronic payments or payment by card in the Online Store, providers of software facilitating the operation of the website, including the Online Store;

e) subscribing to the newsletter - data recipients: the entity providing the newsletter

f) use by the User/Customer of services provided to the Administrator of personal data in connection with the Online Store via social networking sites - data recipients: social networking sites.


Your personal data will be stored during the implementation of the contract concluded with the Administrator via the Online Store, until the limitation period for claims under the concluded contract expires or until the obligation to store personal data resulting from legal provisions expires, in particular the obligation to store accounting documents regarding contracts. If you delete your account in the Online Store, your personal data is stored until the limitation period for possible claims expires. Your personal data processed by the Personal Data Administrator for direct marketing purposes will immediately cease to be processed - when you object to the processing of data in this respect.

The time during which the Personal Data Administrator may process your personal data depends on the legal basis constituting the legal basis for the processing of personal data.

1) if the Personal Data Administrator processes personal data on the basis of consent, the processing period lasts until the User/Customer withdraws this consent;

2) if the Personal Data Administrator processes personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Administrator, the processing period lasts until the above-mentioned period ceases. interest (e.g. limitation period for civil claims) or until the data subject objects to further such processing - in situations where such an objection is allowed in accordance with the law;

3) if the Personal Data Administrator processes personal data because it is necessary due to applicable legal provisions, the data processing periods for this purpose are determined by these provisions.


The website, including the Online Store, like most websites, uses technology that stores and accesses information on the User's/Customer's computer or other device connected to the network (in particular using the so-called cookies). ) regarding the activity of Users/Customers on the Internet, for the purpose of market and statistical analyses, improving the quality of information presented, including presenting tailored advertisements to Users/Customers, assessing certain information about Users/Customers, also as part of automated processing of personal data, i.e. profiling, not however, significantly influencing their decisions - unless the User/Customer gives separate consent.

Users/Customers using the website, including the Online Store, have their own unique IP address, which is recorded in the Personal Data Administrator's database. Users remain fully anonymous, with the exception of a situation in which the User decides to disclose his/her personal details. The database is kept for statistical and analytical purposes, and the IP addresses of Users/Customers are generally not made available to third parties, except for the cases described below or based on legal provisions and situations in which the User/Customer has committed prohibited activities related to with the theft or destruction of data contained on the website and other intentional activities that may negatively affect its functioning. In cases where the User/Customer has committed the actions described above, the Personal Data Administrator reserves the right to provide the User/Customer's IP address to collection authorities or other authorized entities. The personal data administrator collects information regarding the use of the website by its Users/Customers and their IP addresses based on the analysis of access logs. We use this information to diagnose problems related to server operation, analyze possible security breaches and manage the website. The IP address is used for statistical purposes, i.e. to collect and analyze demographic data of people visiting the website (e.g. information about the region from which the connection was made). Based on the information obtained in the above manner, in special cases, collective, general statistical summaries are prepared, which may be disclosed to third parties cooperating with the Personal Data Administrator. They usually include information about the website's viewership. However, these reports do not contain data enabling identification (determining the identity) of a given User/Customer.

The Administrator informs that it uses the following technologies to track activities undertaken by the user/Customer within the Store's website:

- edrone tracking codes - in order to analyze the statistics of the Store's website, as well as for marketing purposes only for the needs of e-mail, SMS and social media campaigns launched or indicated by the Administrator using the edrone system.

Cookies are IT data, small text information sent by the server and saved on the User's/Customer's device, usually on the computer's hard drive or mobile device, intended for using websites. These files allow you to recognize the User/Customer's device and properly display a website tailored to his/her individual preferences. The website, including the Online Store, may use three basic types of cookies: "session cookies", "persistent cookies" and third-party cookies (third party cookies). The first of them are temporary files that remain on the User/Customer's device until logging out of the website or turning off the software (web browser) - then they are automatically deleted from the user's device. "Permanent" files remain on the User's/Customer's device for the time specified in the "cookie" file parameters or until they are manually deleted by the User/Customer. The personal data administrator may cooperate with external entities in the scope of marketing activities conducted by these entities. For the purposes of such cooperation, the browser or other software installed on the User's/Customer's device may also save cookies from third parties (third party cookies) conducting such marketing activities. "Cookies" usually contain the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number.

Users/Customers' web browsers, in particular those that require authentication for the proper functioning of the website, including the Online Store, need to use cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Failure to change the browser settings on the part of the User/Customer is tantamount to consent to their use. Users/Customers can manage their cookies by configuring their web browser, and all the information needed for this can be found in the help menu of the browser used. You can disable, limit or block cookies in your browser settings. Please note that opting out of cookies will only apply to a specific browser. This means that the same actions will need to be taken for any other browser used on the same or different device. Any configurations aimed at deleting cookies or limiting their access may make it difficult or impossible to use the website, including the full functionality of the Online Store. The help function in the menu bar of most web browsers explains how to prevent the browser from accepting new cookies or reporting the receipt of new cookies, how to delete cookies that have already been received and how to block all subsequent ones. Information on how to disable and enable cookies in the most commonly used web browsers is presented below:

In the Firefox search engine, click:

1) "Tools"; 2) "Options"; 3) "Privacy"; 4) From the Firefox program list "Will use user settings"; 5) Select the appropriate option. Detailed information on this subject is available here:

In the Internet Explorer search engine, click: 1) "Tools"; 2) "Internet Options"; 3) "Block all cookies". Detailed information on this subject is available here

In the Google Chrome search engine, click: 1) "Chrome Menu" in the upper right corner; 2) "Settings"; 3) "Show advanced settings"; 4) "Content settings" in the privacy section; 5) "Block cookies and data from third-party sites." Detailed information on this subject is available here:

In the Safari search engine, click: 1) "Settings" in the upper right corner; 2) "Preferences"; 3) "Privacy"; 4) Select the appropriate option. Detailed information on this subject is available here:

In the Opera search engine, click: 1) "Settings"; 2) "Preferences"; 3) "Advanced"; 4) "Cookies"; 5) Select the appropriate option. Detailed information on this subject is available here:

Mobile phones - open the Internet, select "Settings", "Privacy" and go to cookie settings.

The User/Customer logs in to social networking sites Facebook, Google, Instagram, which have privacy rules set by the administrators of these social networking sites. If the User/Customer does not want social networking sites to combine information collected from the Personal Data Administrator's website with the User's/Customer's profile/account on a given social networking site, then before visiting the website, they should log out. each of the above social networking sites. Each User/Customer may also prevent the loading of social networking plug-ins on the website by appropriate settings of the browser they use, e.g. by blocking scripts. The purposes and scopes of data collection and their further processing and use by the administrators of social networking sites are described in the privacy policies of individual social networking sites:

Social networking site administrator

Link to Privacy Policy




Please highlight: a) "Cookies required for technical reasons"; b) "Cookies for analyzing surfing behavior"; c) "Cookies for marketing purposes"; d) "Social media cookies". With the exception of technically required cookies, the Personal Data Controller processes personal data via cookies only with the express consent of the User/Customer. When the User/Customer visits the website for the first time, he or she may consent to the use of all cookies ("analytical, marketing or social") by clicking "I agree" or change cookie settings by clicking "Cookie settings". In this tab, the User/Customer can select which cookies he wants to activate by clicking on the appropriate controller (blue = enabled; gray = disabled).

Activation of cookies is voluntary. The User/Customer may also use the website to its full extent without activated cookies. The User/Customer can revoke or change his/her selection of activated cookies (consent) at any time by clicking the "Cookie Settings" button again. If the User/Customer wishes to deactivate the use of individual cookies, he or she can do so by clicking on the deactivation link provided under the information about the relevant cookie. Cookies are used based on the User's/Customer's consent until it is withdrawn (for example also by automatic deletion of cookies by the web browser).

Technically required cookies. Some functions of the website require browser recognition even after changing pages. These features could not be offered without the use of cookies. The following data is processed: entered search terms, last viewed main category, recently viewed products. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using technically required cookies is Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR and our legitimate interest in providing you with a functional and user-friendly online store. The data collected by technically necessary cookies are not used to create user profiles. The above data will be processed and, in particular, stored for as long as necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. Typically, technically required cookies will be stored until the end of the User's/Customer's visit to our website. Depending on the type of browser you use, you can activate the recall of the previously visited page in the default settings so that session cookies can be stored indefinitely. The User/Customer can change this default setting in the browser settings. If cookies are generally deactivated for the website (e.g. by appropriate settings in your browser) and technically required cookies cannot be set, this may mean that not all functions of the website can be fully functionalized. used, e.g. the website will not be able to recognize the User's/Customer's browser and some content or data may be unavailable (e.g. from the input mask) or may be lost.

Analytical cookies. Analytical cookies are files that enable the analysis of the User's/Customer's surfing behavior. Analytical cookies are used to improve the quality of the website and its content. Analytical cookies inform the Data Controller how the website is used, so that it can constantly improve its offer. The personal data administrator collects and processes data in order to analyze online behavior, only with the express consent of the User/Customer, in accordance with Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR. Detailed information on your consent in relation to cookies can be found in section 6 of this paragraph. If the Personal Data Controller uses third-party cookies to analyze the User's/Customer's surfing behavior, the User/Customer will be informed about this before giving consent in "Cookie settings". In "Cookie Settings", the Personal Data Controller will provide the User/Customer with an overview of the data that will be processed in this context and to which external providers the data will be transferred.

Marketing cookies. The personal data administrator may use marketing cookies (including from external suppliers) to learn more about the User's/Customer's behavior while surfing the Internet and display targeted advertisements for products that match the interests of a given User/Customer. The personal data administrator collects and processes the User's/Customer's data for this purpose only with the User's/Customer's express consent, in accordance with Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR. Detailed information on your consent in relation to cookies can be found in section 6 of this paragraph.

The website also contains a simple link to Facebook. The exchange of data with the mentioned social media operator only takes place when the corresponding button with the "F" symbol from Facebook is clicked. If the User/Customer clicks such a button with a symbol, the website of the indicated social media operator will open in a pop-up window, through which you can go to the website of this operator, including directly to the Facebook fan page belonging to the Personal Data Controller. The personal data controller runs a fanpage on Facebook to promote its activities, expand the community of its supporters, and maintain contact with the mentioned community. The personal data administrator may use Messenger to communicate for the purpose of implementing a contract or leading to its conclusion. For this purpose, the Administrator will process data that the User/Customer makes publicly available on their profile. The legal basis for such processing is the consent of the User/Customer (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) expressed by liking the fanpage of the Personal Data Administrator or leaving a comment and Art. 6 section 1 letter b of the GDPR, if the Personal Data Administrator needs to contact you directly as part of cooperation or establishing it.

The information stored in cookies helps to adapt the content of the website to the expectations and needs of a given User/Customer. For example:

a) system cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of certain elements of the website and maintaining a connection with the server;

b) authentication cookies help to use additional functionalities of the website, enable easy login, and remember website settings selected by the User/Customer.

c) analytical cookies are used to research and analyze the scope of the website, its visits by Users/Customers, preferences and behavior of Users/Customers when visiting the website and are used to improve the quality of services offered via the website.

The personal data administrator uses its cookies for the following purposes:

a) adapting the content of the website to the preferences of the User/Customer and optimizing the use of the website;

b) recognizing the User/Customer's device and its location and appropriately displaying a website tailored to his/her individual needs and optimizing the use of the website, including the Online Store, by the User/Customer;

c) analyzes and research as well as audience audit by creating anonymous statistics that help understand how Users/Customers use the website, which allows improving its structure and content;

d) ensuring the security and reliability of the website, i.e. supporting mechanisms to prevent abuse on websites, including data leakage, ensuring confidentiality of information processed for the user.


Providing your personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the conclusion and performance of a sales contract via the Online Store, a contract for maintaining an account in the Online Store, or a contract for the provision of the newsletter shipping service, with the exception of personal data marked as optional. Failure to provide data marked as necessary will prevent registration or placing an order. If data processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take action at the request of the data subject before concluding the contract, providing the necessary and specific scope of data is necessary.

The personal data administrator does not transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area.

The personal data administrator undertakes to regularly review this Privacy and Cookies Policy and change it if it proves necessary or desirable due to: new legal provisions, new guidelines of the authorities responsible for supervising personal data protection processes, best practices used in area of ​​personal data protection (Codes of Good Practices, if the Personal Data Administrator will be bound by such Codes). Changes to this Privacy Policy will be made in the event of changes in the technology using which the Personal Data Administrator processes data, as well as in the event of changes in the methods, purposes or legal basis for the processing of personal data by the Personal Data Administrator.

This Privacy Policy enters into force on January 1, 2021.